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Enroll In Black
Restaurants Deliver

Gaining visibility in a crowded industry can be hard. Join our 5-week consultancy program to grow your digital presence across delivery and social channels.

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Become a
Restaurant Royal

You deserve the recognition for your talent and contributions to your community. As a Restaurant Royal, you gain access to more tools and resources. All you have to do is win the hearts of foodies.

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Be Celebrated on
Dig In Day

Dig In Day is our national holiday for all foodies to Dine Black. We use our resources and community to drive traffic to your doorsteps. It’s not a moment - it’s a movement.

Join the Movement

Join Black Restaurant
Accelerator Program

The PepsiCo Foundation teamed up with the National Urban League to create the Black Restaurant Accelerator - a multi-million dollar grant program to support 500 Black-owned businesses in 12 cities across the US over the next five years.

Learn More

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